Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Purposes and the Tale of the Roach

I've always wanted to start a blog and keep up with it. I want it to be a place for me to get things out either that I think are funny or I need to get off my chest.

So I will start with funny.

My best friend ever since my freshman year of high school has been a young man by the name of Ruben. We have had our share of arguments and falling-outs but at the end of the day we're friends again. So here we are, six years later, and we're basically living together. It was that I would spend more time at my apartment than his but now the thing is that I am staying with him on the weekends while I work and then I commute to the town where my mom lives about 45 minutes away.

So I think this story began with Ruben seeing some sort of creepy crawlie while I wasn't there. We began to tell stories about finding a giant roach sitting on the couch when we returned watching TV or standing in the kitchen cooking dinner... stupid stuff. In reality I think this would happen:

We would be out of there faster than a Kenyan in the 50 yd dash. 

I'm not sure why this idea is so hilarious but we talk about it all the time. Imagine you go to get in your car and there is a giant roach sitting in the front seat, smoking a cigarette and listening to Ke$ha. It would startle you, no doubt, and you would likely have to see some special people in white coats for many years after. In fantasy, the image is hilarious; in reality I would have an aneurysm

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