Thursday, September 23, 2010

The imagination is mightier than the sword (unless it's a lightsaber-sword)

I found out I had the power to write in fifth grade. I rediscovered the proof while cleaning, as a matter of fact.

I remember when it became apparent to my teacher that I had the ability to write. I wrote a book for class about a girl who gets lost when her family goes camping near a waterfall and she meets a dragon. The dragon takes her away to a magical land and tells her that their kingdom has been in need of a princess but however Sierra tries (that's the girl's name, by the way) she can't make herself leave her family so the dragon takes her back but no one even knew she was missing.

The end.

It wasn't like her family forgot about her or anything. It was the magic of the dragon who controlled time or something. I think it is a very well developed story for a fifth grader. I even illustrated the book... not that I am a spectacular artist as you can see by my renderings. I will upload a picture one of these days when I stumble across it again.

I have embarked on several writing excursions since this fifth grade discovery. (I even discovered that I was good at graphic design in fifth grade. I designed the diplomas for our graduation! I even sang at graduation. It's like all of my talents came together at once in fifth grade... but I digress...) Most of my excursions have involved fanfiction because I am a nerdnerdnerd. I took on a challenge to write 100 short stories based upon any one character or grouping from Harry Potter (I chose the Malfoys because I believe they were not properly developed in the books. Yes, I know what should have been written because I am better than JKR </sarcasm>) and I almost finished.

Harry Potter deals with magic.
To write convincingly about something you have to have some sort of experience/knowledge of what you're writing about.
I write about Harry Potter.

By the transitive powers of my logic times the square root of imagination to the nth power I believe I have magical powers.

It's all about being imaginative.

Here is an illustration of my powers.

As you can see the power of my imagination I was able to create a magical fantasy world where people can ride miniature bracheosauruses (or however you would go about spelling that) on clouds. And you can tell that is me by the blonde hair, viking helmet, and choice of dinosaur companion.

Everyone can have magical powers if you believe in them. Other people may think you're crazy though.

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