Friday, September 24, 2010

A hopeless addiction to Taco Bell

I mentioned already that Ruben and I are useless without each other... maybe I didn't put it in so extreme of terms but alas, c'est vrai. When we are apart we pine for one another. I can't sleep, Ruben can't stop drinking coke... it's a big mess.

I would think that there would be an abundance of fast food wrappers left strewn across the dining room table when I returned, which is sometimes the case, but mostly I note that ALL THE DISHES ARE WAITING IN THE SINK. Ruben is a little bit allergic to dishes like I am to dogs. He doesn't sneeze like I do, though. My sneezes have been increasingly ridiculous lately. They're a bit like this:

(Key: 0 = completely silent and likely dead, 1 = like a baby whispering, 2= library voice, 3= normal speaking tone, 4= something that may wake you from a nap, 5= something that would definitely wake you from a nap, 6= Dropping a cymbal, 7= LOUD NOISES!!!!, 8=Okay, this is scary now, 9= ridiculous, 10= the loudest thing ever)**

As you can see, my sneezes are louder than a lot of things I do.

Anyway, this post isn't supposed to be about my sneezes. It's supposed to be about friendship. Anyway... lots of dishes. What do we do when we have lots of dishes and neither Ruben nor I feel like washing them?

That's right. TACO BELL.

The people at the less-janky Taco Bell in Stockton know exactly who we are. We once went there and Ruben told the cashier that he wanted "lots of fire sauce; not like two." He said he wanted twenty. Well, I counted and we certainly didn't get 20. THIRTY FIVE FIRE SAUCES. Did he use all of them? Of course not. We did get a good laugh out of it, though.

So you may be asking yourself, why in the name of all things sacred do you choose Taco Bell? The answer is mainly that it's dirt cheap, covered in sour cream and cheese, and open late. I must say that I won't be eating it a lot from now on because I am going to be dieting for the rest of my liefffffffffff probably, but it is delicious when you have been working all day and are dying of starvation. Seasoned "meat", molten cheese, rice, beans, and a slathering of delicious sour cream all come together in a delicious harmony of faux Mexican delight. I mean... it sounds like a pretty good idea.

It all gets expensive after a while, though. I am a pretty cheap person to shop for. When I did my own shopping I could get away with spending $30 for two weeks and still have stuff left over. I wonder why I only lost a little weight this summer but whatever. I suppose I was making up for all I wasn't eating at my house with what I was eating at the Taco Bell on March lane. Also, I work at Barnes and Noble and that cafe has some amaziiiing food.

But yeah. I will be going back to Stockton tomorrow and I can see Taco Bell in my near future... even though I've sworn twice that I wasn't going to eat it again.

** I would like to add that I have knowingly exaggerated these results for dramatic effect... because I'm dramatic and this is my blog, dammit.

1 comment:

  1. Also I have never drawn a burrito in my life that I can remember. Yay for new experiences!
